USDA Summer Food Program with Administrator for the Food and Nutrition Service, Cindy Long

Season #6

In this very special summer Rural Impact Extra Episode, Michelle interviews United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Administrator for the Food and Nutrition Service, Cindy Long. Long was appointed Administrator for the Food and Nutrition Service on September 13, 2021. Long most recently served as Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Acting Administrator, and has had extensive experience with FNS, including serving as Deputy Administrator for Child Nutrition Programs. In this role, she led FNSā€™ implementation of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, the most significant restructuring of these programs in decades and a legislative centerpiece of the Obama-Biden Administrationā€™s nutrition initiatives.

Administrator Long and Michelle discuss how the USDA Food and Nutrition Service is helping parents and caregivers raising families in rural and remote places navigate how to gain access to nutrition assistance programs while school is out of session this summer. Administrator Long shares details, benefits, eligibility, and how to access SUN Meals and SUN Bucks.

SUN Meals are available to any child aged 18 and under, no application or other information needed. Find meals at schools, parks, and other locations in your community using the USDA Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder: